Cover Weissbunt Podcast: Singing, dying, premature birth, cancer! What is the code? Prof. Bührer visiting Prof. Sehouli on August 7th, 2022.

Singing, dying, premature birth, cancer!

What is the code? Prof. Bührer visiting Prof. Sehouli

August 7th, 2022

Spon­ta­neous­ly, intui­tively, wit­hout a script, pure impro­vi­sa­ti­on! Authen­tic, honest, direct! That’s what Weiss­bunt stands for!

This pod­cast is cal­led “Weiss­Bunt”, “Weiss” becau­se my doctor’s coat wears this color, “Bunt” becau­se my guests repre­sent the who­le color palet­te of socie­ty. Poli­ce offi­cers, actors, musi­ci­ans and other pro­fes­sio­nal groups will be guests. The “Weiss­Bunt” pod­cast dis­cus­ses topics such as com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on, care­ers, error manage­ment and pain from dif­fe­rent perspectives.

In per­so­nal con­ver­sa­ti­ons with extra­or­di­na­ry per­so­na­li­ties from sci­ence, cul­tu­re, busi­ness and poli­tics, we look for the spe­cial sto­ries to find the spe­cial code from dif­fe­rent perspectives.

Join us, a new epi­so­de every three weeks!

In coope­ra­ti­on with Brand Acti­va­ti­on Berlin.

Prof.Dr. Jalid Seh­ouli is a renow­ned can­cer spe­cia­list, gyneco­lo­gist, sci­en­tist, wri­ter and citi­zen of the world and has been com­mit­ted to civil socie­ty for holi­stic and social coope­ra­ti­on for years.

More about Jalid Seh­ouli:
More about brand acti­va­ti­on:

Press Inqui­ries:
Karim Lore­ti,
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Gene­ral Inqui­ries:
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