Patient education through interactive formats: articles, quizzes, podcasts and Instagram posts

Cha­ri­té Kli­nik für Gynäkologie
In addi­ti­on to pati­ent coun­seling, pati­ent edu­ca­ti­on is a com­mu­ni­ca­ti­ve stra­tegy that is inten­ded to […]

CMC 2022 — Global Perspectives and Future Directions in Female Cancer

Cha­ri­té Kli­nik für Gynäkologie
APRIL 26–29, 2022 ∙ BERLIN Free regis­tra­ti­on: — Regis­tra­ti­on (only for doc­tors, sci­en­tists and […]

Relaxation techniques against inner restlessness

Cha­ri­té Kli­nik für Gynäkologie
Various rela­xa­ti­on tech­ni­ques are effec­ti­ve against fears, ten­si­on, ner­vous­ness and inner rest­less­ness. Learn the signs […]

Cancer prevention with diet and lifestyle

Cha­ri­té Kli­nik für Gynäkologie
Alt­hough the importance of nut­ri­ti­on for phy­si­cal well-being has been known sin­ce anci­ent times, it […]

Under the microscope: a balanced diet

Cha­ri­té Kli­nik für Gynäkologie
Peo­p­le are what they eat, and that also appli­es to pati­ents. And ever­yo­ne eats different. […]

BRCA — Familial Breast and Ovarian Cancer Consultation Hours

Cha­ri­té Kli­nik für Gynäkologie
Gene­tic muta­ti­ons can be signs or even trig­gers for indi­vi­du­al dise­a­ses. They are con­side­red indicators […]

HPV — what vaccination is all about

Cha­ri­té Kli­nik für Gynäkologie
Human papil­lo­ma viru­s­es, or HPV for short, are among the most com­mon viru­s­es trans­mit­ted through […]

Continuous Education for medical professionals: Why microlearning makes sense now and in the future!

8He­alth-Manage­ment UG
The pro­blem with time Ger­man doc­tors have rough­ly 7–10 minu­tes for their pati­ents. Lack of time […]

Tertiary prevention: lifestyle in ovarian cancer. The Survivorship Clinic concept

Cha­ri­té Kli­nik für Gynäkologie
Ter­tia­ry pre­ven­ti­on focu­ses on res­to­ring health after ill­ness. The aim of ter­tia­ry pre­ven­ti­on (reha­bi­li­ta­ti­on) is […]

Be an Angel e.V.

Be an Angel e.V.
If you’re rea­ding this, you are dam­ned well off. Sup­port Be an Angel: With donations — […]

Studies — Why studies are so important for patients

Cha­ri­té Kli­nik für Gynäkologie
Why stu­dies are so important for pati­ents and how to pro­per­ly inform yours­elf. Cli­ni­cal studies […]

Health literacy for patients — the Charité approach

Cha­ri­té Kli­nik für Gynäkologie
Digi­tal health liter­acy in Ger­ma­ny The Ger­man health­ca­re sys­tem is in the midd­le of the […]