A technician using a microtome.

Rethinking Cancer

Ill­ness is an oppor­tu­ni­ty to chan­ge. When we ana­ly­ze “the pro­blem” we are able to sus­pend fear and iden­ti­fy pos­si­ble solu­ti­ons. The task beco­mes one of stra­te­gi­zing an order of prio­ri­ties and syn­er­gy of inter­ven­ti­on that will crea­te a path to long-term wellness.

A new Approach

We live in an infi­ni­te mira­cle of crea­ti­on. Our bodies are a reflec­tion of the uni­ver­se as a who­le. Each organ sys­tem is like a pla­net and the coor­di­na­ted acti­vi­ty of the body in the electro/biochemical sen­se reflects the essen­ti­al order of the cos­mos its­elf. Each of us a spi­ri­tu­al enti­ty dwel­ling in a deli­ca­te yet powerful phy­si­cal form. Thus the body in its pro­per func­tio­ning, reflects the neces­sa­ry com­pon­ents that the uni­ver­se requi­res for harm­o­ny, syn­er­gy and sustainability.

How then can we approach ill­ness? His­to­ri­cal­ly we stu­dy the body for its nor­mal phy­sio­lo­gic func­tion, then we exami­ne dys­func­tion or patho­lo­gy and cate­go­ri­ze it as dise­a­se enti­ties. “Dise­a­se” is the clas­sic way to look at health pro­blems. I would sub­mit that dise­a­se is real­ly just imba­lan­ce. When the body expe­ri­en­ces various stres­sors it tri­es to com­pen­sa­te for a pro­blem it may be strugg­ling to sol­ve. Howe­ver in this attempt at “solu­ti­on,” it may com­pen­sa­te and crea­te yet ano­ther area of imba­lan­ce. Thus, true medi­cal pro­blem sol­ving requi­res iden­ti­fy­ing and prio­ri­tiz­ing tre­at­ment of both under­ly­ing cau­ses as well as the acu­te pro­blem at hand. In other words – tre­at the who­le body in order to tre­at the root cau­ses and the mani­fest­ing pro­blem, and ulti­m­ate­ly and ide­al­ly, then balan­ce the enti­re set of systems.

Balance and Imbalance

In the uni­ver­se the­re is a con­stant natu­ral ten­si­on bet­ween forces of oppo­si­te ener­gies. Our bodies are made to con­duct both cel­lu­lar war­fa­re and defen­se as well as “peace time” regrowth and repair. One of the most important obser­va­tions is to ack­now­ledge the power in the bio­che­mis­try of thought. Fear and worry trig­gers the meta­bo­lic pathways of war­fa­re and defen­se. Trust and hope brings the body back into regrowth and repair. The body needs to have both func­tions. Even so, the pathways are mutual­ly exclu­si­ve. For this reason we always encou­ra­ge pati­ents to uti­li­ze posi­ti­ve thought and emo­ti­on as a heal­ing modality.

The pri­ma­ry work is in chan­ging people’s ener­gy pathways, which com­men­ces when we dis­pel fear by reco­gni­zing that the­re is poten­ti­al for a posi­ti­ve outcome.

This act is com­mon­ly cha­rac­te­ri­zed as “sub­mit to the ill­ness.” In rea­li­ty this is an “oppor­tu­ni­ty” to reframe our thin­king not only as to the cau­ses of said “dise­a­se”, but also to rethink our own lives and pur­po­se in the universe.

Why do we get Cancer?

This is the num­ber one ques­ti­on for which peo­p­le seek ans­wers. Our bodies are a uni­ver­se of mira­cu­lous divi­ne inter­ven­ti­on. How then can this enti­ty deve­lop such a dire life threa­tening pro­blem? The immu­ne sys­tem is desi­gned to iden­ti­fy, tag, and eli­mi­na­te cells that are your cells but are “sick”.

In the nor­mal cell cycle/life span, cells live from 5–120 days. In the nor­mal cour­se of cell divi­si­on we can make sick or abnor­mal cells at any time, in an ide­al sce­na­rio, the immu­ne sys­tem is iden­ti­fy­ing the­se cells and kil­ling them. Howe­ver, in can­cer, the­se abnor­mal cells stop com­mu­ni­ca­ting with sur­roun­ding cells and start to divi­de out of turn. They deve­lop a coa­ting cal­led “naga­le­se” that obscu­res their abnor­mal sur­face mar­kers from the immu­ne sys­tem, ther­eby impai­ring sur­face reco­gni­ti­on. Sin­ce the immu­ne sys­tem only works on sur­face reco­gni­ti­on, it can­not do its job, and the abnor­mal cells can divi­de rapidly and escape the nor­mal cell life cycle. So the bio­che­mi­cal envi­ron­ment must have a con­stel­la­ti­on of pre­dis­po­sing fac­tors to allow for this to hap­pen, such as fun­gus, para­si­tes, or candida.

The body is made to iden­ti­fy and kill can­cer cells so in order to “get can­cer” the sys­tem has to mal­func­tion. The­re is a time­line of sche­ma­tic repre­sen­ta­ti­on of the deve­lo­p­ment of can­cer and it is esti­ma­ted that it takes appro­xi­m­ate­ly ten years to deve­lop a tumor 1 cm in dia­me­ter. In the “ear­ly stages” of deve­lo­p­ment, the situa­ti­on is reversible.

Cancer is Vulnerable

As fear­so­me as can­cer may seem, it has important meta­bo­lic vul­nerabi­li­ties that can be taken advan­ta­ge of for suc­cessful treatment.

First and fore­most, can­cer cells make ener­gy anae­ro­bical­ly and as such, can only use glu­co­se as the ener­gy making sub­stra­te. This is why peo­p­le are always ins­truc­ted to eli­mi­na­te sugar or carbs from their diet as part of their tre­at­ment. Can­cer cells do not meta­bo­li­ze fat becau­se that requi­res oxi­da­tive meta­bo­lism, which can only be con­duc­ted by mito­chon­dria. In can­cer, mito­chon­dria get sick or die, and the can­cer cells are dedi­ca­ted to anae­ro­bic meta­bo­lism. This makes them, “sugar hun­gry”, and they beco­me avid in the upt­ake of any mole­cu­le that con­ta­ins glu­co­se. Otto War­burg, the Nobel pri­ze win­ning Ger­man bio­che­mist dis­co­ver­ed this fact. He also noted that bac­te­ria, viru­s­es, fun­gi, can­di­da, and para­si­te infec­ted cells also are anaerobic.

Thus, many alter­na­ti­ve can­cer tre­at­ments take advan­ta­ge of this prin­ci­ple. Some tre­at­ments are based on anti-oxi­dant and pro-oxi­dant action such as per­oxi­de and high dose Vit­amin C.

So in can­cer tre­at­ments the­re are sub­s­tances that are glu­co­se mimics, which con­tain glu­co­se plus other enti­ties. The­se mole­cu­les are rea­di­ly taken up by can­cer cells but once the glu­co­se is released insi­de the cell, the remai­ning por­ti­on of the mole­cu­le is poi­so­no­us to the can­cer cell and its ener­gy meta­bo­lism and will cau­se the cell to star­ve and or pop and die (apo­pto­sis).  

The second thing that has been estab­lished, is that can­cer cells are iron avid. They requi­re 400 times the amount of iron nee­ded as a co-fac­tor in DNA repli­ca­ti­on. Sin­ce can­cer cells do not obey the nor­mal laws of cell cycling, they divi­de “out of turn” orders of magni­tu­de fas­ter than a nor­mal cell, which requi­res iron in very high amounts. The­re are com­pounds that have been deve­lo­ped that mimic iron in the meta­bo­lism which can be intro­du­ced by mouth or IV. The­se com­pounds are free­ly taken up by the can­cer cells becau­se they look like iron, but once insi­de the cell, they are not iron, and they do not func­tion as a cofac­tor for DNA repli­ca­ti­on, and in fact, poi­son the acti­vi­ty of ribo­so­mes that are respon­si­ble for the pro­duc­tion of pro­te­ins and so once the ribo­so­mes are poi­so­ned the cell can­not func­tion and the cells will die.

Cancer Types and Treatment

The under­ly­ing assump­ti­on in the case of can­cer is that cell type and stage at the time of dia­gno­sis is important, yet often does not repre­sent the full situa­ti­on. We must careful­ly iden­ti­fy and address both tumor bur­den as well as micro­sco­pic meta­bo­lic imba­lan­ces that may be pre­dis­po­sing a pati­ent to tre­at­ment resis­tance and recur­rence. Thus, the more com­pre­hen­si­ve we iden­ti­fy and tre­at sur­rep­ti­tious under­ly­ing infec­tions (viru­s­es, bac­te­ria, para­si­tes, fun­gi and can­di­da), the bet­ter the patient’s outcome.

Regard­less of cell type and stage, all can­cer pati­ents are eva­lua­ted for CTC and CSC (cir­cu­la­ting can­cer cells and cir­cu­la­ting stem cells). The­se cells are uni­que in that they are rela­tively immor­tal (they can live 20 plus years in the body) and are mobi­le, mea­ning CTC and CSC can be shed by the pri­ma­ry tumor and tra­vel in the blood­stream to be depo­si­ted in distant sites such as bone, liver, and lung. Thus if they are left unt­rea­ted, they repre­sent the poten­ti­al and basis for deve­lo­ping meta­sta­ses. If we do not cha­rac­te­ri­ze, count and tre­at them even the best of pri­ma­ry tumor rem­oval will fail.

Con­se­quent­ly, when con­ven­tio­nal onco­lo­gists and sur­ge­ons sta­te, “we got it all” or “mar­gins are clear” or that you are “cured” after a can­cer remo­ving ope­ra­ti­on or che­mo­the­ra­py tre­at­ment they are unkno­wing­ly making untrue asser­ti­ons.  Wit­hout cha­rac­te­ri­zing and trea­ting CTC /CSC and wit­hout iden­ti­fy­ing and trea­ting under­ly­ing pre­dis­po­sing bio­che­mi­cal envi­ron­men­tal fac­tors, and wit­hout boos­ting the immu­ne sys­tem, tre­at­ments ine­vi­ta­b­ly do not make the pati­ent can­cer free.

The dif­fi­cul­ty is that CTC/CSC repre­sent a micro­sco­pic pro­blem that can­not be detec­ted by simp­le ima­ging or rou­ti­ne blood tests. Even in the case of a tumor less than one cen­ti­me­ter in size, after the tumor volu­me is bet­ween 1.1 and 2.7 mil­li­me­ters, it has alre­a­dy released more or less than 1 bil­li­on CTC/CSC into the body. Just after detec­tion and cha­rac­te­riza­ti­on of the­se uni­que can­cer cells it is pos­si­ble to ulti­m­ate­ly iden­ti­fy what tre­at­ment moda­li­ties the can­cer cells are sus­cep­ti­ble to, as well as what will not work to kill them.

Conditions Treated

  • Can­cers of all types:
    • Breast
    • Brain (Glio­blasto­ma Mul­ti­for­me & Astrocytoma)
    • Pro­sta­te
    • Head and Neck
    • Ova­ri­an
    • Endo­me­tri­al
    • Cer­vical & Vaginal
    • Rec­tal
    • Colon
    • Blad­der
    • Gas­tric
    • Pan­cre­as
    • Sar­co­ma
    • Mela­n­o­ma
    • Lym­pho­ma (Hodgkin’s & Non-Hodgkin’s)
    • Leuk­emia (all cell types)
    • Lung
  • Chro­nic Viral Infec­tions (eg. Epstein Barr, HPV, HSV)
  • Chro­nic Fati­gue, Fibromyalgia
  • Chro­nic Candidiasis
  • Lyme Rela­ted Disorders
  • Auto­im­mu­ne Disorders
  • Neu­ro­de­ge­nera­ti­ve Dise­a­ses (Parkinson’s, ALS, & PLS)
  • Dia­be­tes Mellitus
  • Hypo­thy­ro­idism
  • Endo­cri­ne Imbalance
  • Meta­bo­lic Optimization
  • Weight Opti­miza­ti­on Program
  • Lym­phede­ma
  • Cus­to­mi­zed Anti-Aging Protocols
  • Full Spec­trum Influ­en­za Protocol
  • COVID-19 Tre­at­ment & Prevention
  • Post COVID-19 vac­ci­ne treatment

Treatment Modalities

  • Can­cer Tre­at­ment Offerings:
    • Immu­no­the­ra­py
    • IPT/ Low-dose Chemotherapy
    • Ozone The­ra­py
    • Mist­le­toe
    • High dose Vit­amin C
    • IV The­ra­pies
    • SOT
    • ALS and PLS
    • Repur­po­sed Drugs
    • A core group of trus­ted phy­si­ci­ans that Dr.V works with such as Inter­ven­tio­nal Radio­lo­gists, Hos­pi­ta­lists, & Inten­si­ve Care Specialists
  • Ear­ly detec­tion & can­cer prevention
  • Sup­port for tra­di­tio­nal chemotherapy
  • Rege­ne­ra­ti­ve Medicine
  • Bio-iden­ti­cal hor­mo­ne balancing
  • Cus­tom pep­ti­de tre­at­ments for can­cer & chro­nic conditions
  • Lym­phede­ma treatments
  • Edu­ca­ti­on for envi­ron­men­tal risks (EMFs, pesti­ci­des, & parasites)
  • Stress manage­ment, diet coun­seling, and supplements

Suggested Supplements

  • Trace mine­rals w/Selenium 200 mg daily.
  • MetO­me­ga Deep sea fish oil 1 tsp daily.
  • CoQ10 60 mg 2x daily.
  • Toco­trie­nol 200 mg in PM with food.
  • Toco­phe­ro­le 200 mg in AM.
  • Pro­bio­tics 50 bil­li­on 3x daily.
  • Vit­amin D 5000 IU 2x daily.
  • Vit­amin A 25,000 IU daily.
  • Vit­amin B com­plex (food based) daily.
  • Wob­en­zy­me N 3 PO 3x daily.
  • Col­la­gen Pep­ti­des Pow­der 2–3 scoops dai­ly with juices/smoothies.
  • Modi­fied Citrus Pec­tin 5 gm dai­ly in juices.
  • Aga­ri­cus Bla­zeii Mur­ril 2 cap­su­les 2–3x/day.

For more infor­ma­ti­on see: https://vvsmd.com

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