Prof. Dr. Mirco Herbort in the OPED podcast "Operation Imminent"

“Today I would do some things differently” — Prof. Dr. Mirco Herbort | OPED podcast

► The OPED pod­cast Ope­ra­ti­on Immi­nent More infor­ma­ti­on at:

Operation Imminent

Ope­ra­ti­on Immi­nent – the pod­cast for young doc­tors who are at the begin­ning of their care­ers. For peo­p­le who want to recon­ci­le fami­ly and work in a stressful envi­ron­ment. For peo­p­le who want to take the lead. For peo­p­le who want to impro­ve col­la­bo­ra­ti­on in medi­ci­ne. We take a look behind the sce­nes of ever­y­day hos­pi­tal life and inter­view per­so­na­li­ties who speak open­ly about care­ers, lea­der­ship and collaboration. 

What are we doing here? 

We meet doc­tors who are com­mit­ted. For tho­se who are still at the begin­ning of their care­ers. For young peo­p­le who want to com­bi­ne work and fami­ly in a stressful envi­ron­ment. For mana­gers who want to lead huma­nely despi­te high eco­no­mic pres­su­re in the cli­nic. We lead our lis­ten­ers into the are­as of the work envi­ron­ment that are more hid­den. And have alre­a­dy recei­ved a lot of inspi­ring insights into an exci­ting job.

“Today I would do some things differently” 

A care­er at a uni­ver­si­ty cli­nic requi­res abo­ve-avera­ge com­mit­ment. In addi­ti­on to medi­cal com­pe­tence, skills in tea­ching and rese­arch are also requi­red. Today we would like to take a look behind the sce­nes. We want to know how a care­er at a uni­ver­si­ty cli­nic actual­ly works. 

Prof. Dr. Mir­co Her­b­ort is a spe­cia­list in ortho­pe­dics and trau­ma sur­gery, as well as spe­cial trau­ma sur­gery at the OCM, Ortho­pe­dic Sur­gery Munich. His spe­cial­ties are ortho­pe­dics and trau­ma­to­lo­gy of the knee joint; Sports ortho­pe­dic sur­gery of the knee joint (ante­rior and pos­te­ri­or cru­cia­te liga­ment rup­tu­re, com­plex mul­ti­ple liga­ment inju­ries of the knee joint); Menis­cus pre­ser­va­ti­on and repla­ce­ment pro­ce­du­res; Tre­at­ment of car­ti­la­ge dama­ge, ear­ly osteo­ar­thri­tis and par­ti­al osteo­ar­thri­tis (car­ti­la­ge cell trans­plan­ta­ti­on, axis adjus­t­ments, par­ti­al joint repla­ce­ment); Tre­at­ment of patho­lo­gies of the kne­e­cap (dis­lo­ca­ti­on / insta­bi­li­ty, car­ti­la­ge dama­ge); Gene­ral Trau­ma­to­lo­gy and Com­plex Frac­tures Near the Knee Joint; Tre­at­ment of child inju­ries and mal­for­ma­ti­ons of the knee joint.

“Modern medi­ci­ne offers ever bet­ter and less inva­si­ve ways to pre­ser­ve the bio­lo­gi­cal knee joint after inju­ries or gene­ral wear and tear.” — Prof. Dr. Mir­co Herbort 

Orthopedic surgery Munich 

The OCM is one of the lea­ding tre­at­ment cen­ters in the field of sur­gi­cal ortho­pe­dics in Bava­ria with the struc­tu­re of a group prac­ti­ce, MVZ and cli­nic. The OCM stands for well-foun­ded pro­fes­sio­nal com­pe­tence in com­bi­na­ti­on with sta­te-of-the-art tech­no­lo­gy and com­for­ta­ble hos­pi­tal infra­struc­tu­re in a per­so­nal atmo­sphe­re. The clo­se coope­ra­ti­on with the OCM Cli­nic, the SANA Cli­nic and the Arte­med Feldafing Reha­bi­li­ta­ti­on Cli­nic enables the OCM to pro­vi­de its pati­ents with con­trol­led care in the sen­se of a con­ti­nuous tre­at­ment path. From the initi­al exami­na­ti­on to rehabilitation. 

Knee specialists in Munich 

Inju­ries to the knee joint, menis­cus, and cru­cia­te liga­ment are com­mon. Becau­se the knee is invol­ved in almost all move­ments in ever­y­day life, wear and tear or inju­ry can easi­ly occur. Then a knee spe­cia­list has to assess whe­ther and how the knee needs to be treated. 

One focus of tre­at­ment in the OCM cli­nic is arthro­sco­pic sur­gery. With this mini­mal­ly inva­si­ve method, joints can be ope­ra­ted on wit­hout the pati­ent having to be cut open.

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