Welcome to medimentum

Here you can register as a patient for our services, free of charge! 

Your advantages:

Online video con­sul­ta­ti­on with your trus­ted doctor.

Access to the sub­ject-spe­ci­fic medi­men­tum job exch­an­ge.
Publish your job appli­ca­ti­on in the respec­ti­ve depart­ment and find the per­fect employ­er in the field of health ser­vices, phar­maceu­ti­cals and research.

Com­ment on the con­tri­bu­ti­ons of our experts and take a posi­ti­on on cur­rent, inte­res­t­ing topics from the world of medicine.

Online video consultation with comjoodoc

com­joo­doc EASY is our app for pati­ents. It enables you to recei­ve the best pos­si­ble health care from the doc­tors of your choice. Sim­ply use the “Book Appoint­ment” but­ton in the “Doc­tors” sec­tion and request an appoint­ment via comjoodoc. 

Down­load the app and enter the TAN for the con­sul­ta­ti­on hour. Com­mu­ni­ca­te direct­ly with your doc­tor, via chat or video call. Exch­an­ge data secu­re­ly, mobi­le via smart­phone or from the com­fort of your home.

Simply register at medimentum, download comjoodoc Easy and contact one of our doctors directly:
Button with which you can download comjoodoc EASY from the App Store
Button with which you can download comjoodoc EASY from the Play Store




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