Rethinking Cancer

Vir­gi­nia von Schae­fer M.D.
Ill­ness is an oppor­tu­ni­ty to chan­ge. When we ana­ly­ze “the pro­blem” we are able to […]

Yoga and Cancer — A good remedy for feeling helpless

Cha­ri­té Kli­nik für Gynäkologie
Coun­ter can­cer with gent­le yoga. Peo­p­le suf­fe­ring from can­cer often bene­fit from addi­tio­nal sup­port during […]

Survivorship Clinic — Consultation hours for long-term survivors

Cha­ri­té Kli­nik für Gynäkologie
The Pro­ject Fol­­low-up care for women with gyneco­lo­gi­cal can­cer lasts five to ten years; after […]

Survivorship Clinic

Cha­ri­té Kli­nik für Gynäkologie
Con­sul­ta­ti­on hours for long-term sur­vi­vors with gyneco­lo­gi­cal tumor dise­a­se Fol­­low-up care for pati­ents with gynecological […]

Recurrent Gynecological Cancer — What’s Next?

Cha­ri­té Kli­nik für Gynäkologie
Recur­ring Despi­te sur­gery and che­mo­the­ra­py, gyneco­lo­gi­cal tumors such as ova­ri­an, fallo­pian tube, peri­to­ne­um, endo­me­tri­al or […]

Together against Corona. #Impfenschützt

Dr. Medi­men­tum
The Cha­ri­té is in the midd­le of the fourth wave of the pan­de­mic: The number […]

Preparation for the practice with

8He­alth-Manage­ment UG
How do I start as a doc­tor in the prac­ti­ce? Learn the most important basics […]

Fatigue fractures in sports

Cha­ri­té — Uni­ver­si­täts­me­di­zin Cen­trum für Mus­ku­los­ke­le­ta­le Chirurgie
Frac­tures from fati­gue in sports are com­mon inju­ries in ath­le­tes and can have a major […]

Aftercare in gynecological oncology — Why you should prevent side effects in cancer

Cha­ri­té Kli­nik für Gynäkologie
After­ca­re is also pre­ven­ti­on, espe­ci­al­ly in gyneco­lo­gi­cal onco­lo­gy. On the one hand, can­cer can recur […]

Ovarian Cancer App — an app all about ovarian, fallopian tube and peritoneal cancer

Cha­ri­té Kli­nik für Gynäkologie
The ova­ri­an can­cer app The Euro­pean Cen­ter for Ova­ri­an Can­cer (EKZE) of the Women’s Clinic […]

Tertiary prevention: lifestyle in ovarian cancer. The Survivorship Clinic concept

Cha­ri­té Kli­nik für Gynäkologie
Ter­tia­ry pre­ven­ti­on focu­ses on res­to­ring health after ill­ness. The aim of ter­tia­ry pre­ven­ti­on (reha­bi­li­ta­ti­on) is […]

Supportive offers: What is it and why can it be helpful in oncological diseases?

Cha­ri­té Kli­nik für Gynäkologie
Sup­port­i­ve offers for pati­ents and rela­ti­ves Gyneco­lo­gi­cal can­cer and its tre­at­ment rai­ses many ques­ti­ons and […]